Friday, July 13, 2018

Sleepless Beauty/E.M. Tippitts


     "Chloe could have had the perfect childbirth…If only the baby hadn’t come two weeks early
If only Jason wasn’t working overtime to save his new television series
If only the television crew wouldn’t antagonize the archaeologists working next to the set
If only the archaeologists hadn’t found that dead body
If only the main suspect wasn’t the beloved boyfriend of sweet Lizzie Warner, a girl who deserves to have it all…
Chloe’s first week of motherhood isn’t going at all how she hoped, so she is determined to solve the murder, no matter what it takes. Perhaps then the second week can be magical."


     This is book 6 in the "Someone Else's Fairytale" series. Chloe finally has baby Vanderholt! It is actually taken place in less then a 5 day time period for this whole book (There is to be another one!) so things move quickly, and anxiety ridden for poor Chloe. Emily has also brought in Lizzie Warner from another spinoff of this series called "A Safe Space". So you move forward a little with Lizzie and Devon's story. (Kyra also makes an appearance with her relationship status). You get a little more of Steve (Jason's little brother) and his lawyer talents as well as some brotherly back and forth that we haven't seen in previous books.
     Everyone seems to come to Chloe to solve their problems, and why not? She seems to have put herself in that position, being someone that can be trusted, isn't judgemental (on the outside) and cannot seem to let her natural instincts of being a forensic scientist pass. To have a friend like that would be a treasure indeed. To be that person though, is costing Chloe her beauty sleep. Then add her precious baby Bethany and the first days of motherhood, she's a wreck.
     You also get a look into Jason's pilot series at the beginning of each chapter. You get to see him being a doting first time dad, as well as a tag a long in Chloe's investigation.
     To get into the mind of Emily (the author) would be something! She always has the most interesting plots and fascinating information I wouldn't even be able to know or think of on my own! She is an amazing writer and person in general. Thanks Emily!

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